Personalised books to inspire positive happy children...

Choose from six incredible stories

Explore Range

All books are jam-packed with a bucket-load of wonderfully positive messages.

We hope that through these entertaining stories, we can help teach little ones the values we all cherish most dearly – those of kindness and courage, honesty and acceptance.

About Us

The Be Range

A series of 6 truly fantastic personalised books.

Be Brave

One not-so-tough dragon must face his fears – he must learn to fly. Through the friendship of our young hero, and a good old-fashioned adventure in the wild woods, the dragon realises that courage comes in many forms. After all, sometimes the bravest thing you can do is to follow your dreams.

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Be Happy

Have you ever found a penguin in your garden? No, us neither. But that’s exactly what happens to one child in this heart-warming tale of friendship. After meeting a glum penguin, our hero embarks on a quest to find the bird’s Happy. And, thanks to fiddle-playing foxes and poetry-reading moles, together they may just stumble on the meaning of happiness.

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Be Honest

Desperate for love and cuddles, a lonely bear cub does something rather naughty – he tells a lie. But pretending to be a cuddly toy proves to be harder than he expected. After all, unlike toys, real bears need to eat and sleep and … answer calls of nature! In this fun and light-hearted adventure, the little bear learns that it’s always better to be honest.

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Be Calm

Nothing will go right for one poor sea turtle. As his day goes from bad to worse, he keeps losing his cool. Luckily a wise new friend is on hand to teach some handy tips on how to remain calm. Tranquil and gentle, espousing the virtue of calmness, this is the perfect story to read cuddled up in bed – or to encourage a bit of peace and quiet!

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Be Unique

A Dinosaur is down in the dumps. No matter what he tries, he’s different and doesn’t fit in. But a chance meeting with a new friend changes all that. Thanks to our hero’s kindness and wisdom, the dinosaur learns that it’s our differences that make us special – and that make life so much fun!

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Be Kind

A thoughtless young elephant loves to make mischief. But with a spot of help from a hot air balloon, a grumpy crocodile and a brand-new friend, the elephant soon learns to think of others. An uplifting tale about how a little kindness can change the world.

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How It Works

Creating your very own personalised Hector's Post book couldn't be easier. Just follow the easy steps below.


Choose your adventure

Partner-up with a dragon in Be Brave, a penguin in Be Happy or a dinosaur in Be Unique. Or other wonderful friends in other enchanting tales.


Which character best matches your child?

This will be the illustration of your child, who stars in the story.


What is your child’s name?

This will be how your child is referred to by other characters in the story.


Sit-back and admire the preview

Don’t worry – before the checkout there will be a preview to make sure everything looks exactly as you hope.

We hope to spark a passion for books that will last a lifetime.

All our stories feature strong values and positive messages: that life is better when we’re kind, that we should celebrate our own and others’ differences, that courage comes in many forms, and, perhaps above all, that we must strive to be happy – and make others happy.

Read Our Story

Latest Reviews

Wow. Just wow. My little one loves seeing herself in the stories. And best of all, we extract loads of great educational content that help me to explain the most important values. Thank-you HP!

Jonathan Kenwood

11th Jan2023

I simply adore the messaging. Loads of heart-warming niceness. With every story featuring friendship and non-stop positivity - we need more of these books!

Sarah Jones

3rd January 2023

My girls love reading about their adventures with a kind, yet very silly, dinosaur. Loads of lovely meanings to take from the books, and we have spent time discussing them to learn more about the theme of diversity and how we are all unique.

Mrs Green

4th January 2023

Be Calm has helped my youngest to understand his feelings of frustration. And he takes great pride in practising the coping mechanisms featured in the book, which he imagines doing with the Turtle. Bravo!

Max T

11th Feb 2023


You can explore some of the most common questions about Hector's Post below:

How do I place an order?

This couldn't be easier. Simply choose your story from our range. Then select 'Personalise Me'. On this next page you are invited to select the character that best matches your child and then enter your child's name exactly as you would like it to appear in the book. Please take a look at the preview page to ensure everything looks as you hope.

How old are Hector's Post readers?

We think that children aged 4 to 7 are our most fervent bookworms. However hope that readers of all ages will be able to enjoy reading our stories. Indeed we have many loyal fans in their 70s.

How long does delivery take?

Each and every order is uniquely made, which can take up to three days to fulfil and dispatch. Then all of our UK deliveries use Royal Mail. Just choose 'standard delivery' or 'speedy delivery' depending upon when you would like to receive your order.

How much is shipping for more than one book?

We like to keep things simple. So you shipping is the same for 1 book as it is for multiple book orders.

What if my child's name doesn't appear exactly as I would like?

We create the book using the attributes that you enter. So please be careful when selecting the correct character and spelling your child's name correctly. If you are unsure then simply check the preview.

What are the specifications of the books?

  • Every story is printed as a unique one-off edition.
  • Made from the best quality paper (FSC Certified).
  • Available in either softback or hardback covers.
  • Each story is on 26 pages.
  • Size 21cm x 21cm.
  • Printed in the UK.

Why Personalised?

There is no better way for a child to learn and understand values or coping mechanisms than from a first-person perspective, when your child is in the adventure, and they are the one who teaches the character about kindness, happiness, honesty or courage. This will empower your child. They are the one who brings a sense of happiness or calm to the penguin or dragon – a truly unique experience.