Be Happy

Softcover £23.99
Hardcover £29.99

Have you ever found a penguin in your garden? No, us neither. But that’s exactly what happens to one child in this heart-warming tale of friendship. After meeting a glum penguin, our hero embarks on a quest to find the bird’s Happy. And, thanks to fiddle-playing foxes and poetry-reading moles, together they may just stumble on the meaning of happiness.

What size are the books?

The stories span 26 pages, each 210x210mm in size.

What age is the book for?

We find that little ones aged 4 to 7 are our most fervent bookworms. However children, and adults for that matter, of all ages will find pleasure in this adventure.

How can I personalise the book?

Easy. Just click 'Personalise & Order', this will open the next page. Here simply enter your child's (the recipient's) name and then select the character that best reflects their appearance. Next choose either a soft or hardback cover before sitting-back to enjoy the preview. The preview allows you to check that the name and character appear exactly as you wish.
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Learn more about the book

Hit play to enjoy this short animated video of the full range of books in the Be series. We will be uploading a Be Happy video very soon...

“But there are SO MANY ways to be happy! The world’s full of fun things to do and fun places to go.”

Be Happy

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